Health Benefits of Pineapple Juice

Consumption of fruit juices makes it possible for you to reach the daily prescribed intake of fruits of 1.5 to 2 mugs with regards to women and 2 mugs for men. Given that pineapple offers an abundance of vital minerals and vitamins for health benefits, though, it’s important that you drink with restraint.

Pineapple is the next to most loved tropical fruits worldwide. Fresh pineapple juice has sufficient amount of vitamins, chemical compounds, and minerals which are useful for general health improvement. It has got numerous health benefits, and it’s able to battle many stomach diseases, including, acid reflux, constipation, sinusitis and excessive gas problems. Similarly, the well ripens fruits are more beneficial than unripe ones.

Pineapple juice

Pineapple juice Health Benefits:

Pineapple fruit juice is high in vitamins C and B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, copper, beta-carotene, dietary fibre, manganese, folic acid and beta-carotene.

Enhances Digestive function

The chemical compound named bromelain found in Pineapple is helpful in food digestion and also balances the acid level in the stomach. Bromelain is responsible for breaking down of protein into useful forms which enhance digestion.

It controls pancreas production to help in digestive functions. In addition to its benefits in the digestion process, bromelain supports healing of injuries, lessen arthritis pain. Bromelain likewise assists in the management of acid reflux and also works as an anti-inflammatory against psoriasis, acne, eczema, rosacea and dermatitis.

A cough and Colds

Pineapple fruit juice provides bromelain enzyme that is effective in reducing cough and colds, and it has some restorative benefits too. Fibrin which is often known for its blood clotting is equally processed into better form by bromelain.

This Bromelain is useful for increasing breathing by reducing the mucous in the respiratory track and also acts as an immunity booster. This enzyme works well as an anti-cancerous, anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting agent.

Beneficial to Eyesight

Pineapple juice possesses beta-carotene as well as vitamin A, which is helpful to eyesight, thus consuming pineapple juice helps prevent macular degeneration in addition to decreasing the danger of loss of vision later in life. The occurrence of antioxidants really helps to get rid of the eye-related conditions and helps keep healthy eye function.

Reduces Digestive System Related Disorders

Bromelain aids to process proteins in the body. Proteins are not easily digested which usually leads to indigestion as well as digestion linked complications. Moreover, it contains a modest amount of fibre that assists to de-clog the digestive tracts. Hence, drinking a glass of pineapple juice is very effective rather than taking the usual antacid as a digestive aid.

Supports Healthy Bone

Pineapple juice is excellent in ensuring healthy and strong bones as a result of manganese present in pineapple. One cup of pineapple fruit juice contains around 73% of the manganese recommended daily requirement. Pineapple juice really helps in bone development at an early age while it fortifies your bone at the older age.

The juice equally provides vitamin C that helps to handle gum related problems. Manganese is likewise effective in treating wounds, regulation of blood sugar boosts resistance and maintains healthy skin.

Combats Arthritis and Joint Pain

Taking a glass of pineapple fruit juice could significantly aid in relieving the arthritis symptoms owing to the anti-inflammatory property. Pineapple fruit juice lessens pains especially to older individuals that are plagued by rheumatoid arthritis Pineapple juice eases muscle soreness. The occurrence of bromelain enzyme in pineapple is known to lower swelling and inflammation.

Good Skin Health

Pineapple fruit juice is advantageous in many ways for skin care, It can be used to treat acne and serves to cure wounds rapidly because the enzymes present in pineapple juice tend to effect quick healing.

The synthesis of collagen is beneficial in supplying the essential flexibility to the skin. Also, skin wrinkling is as a result of insufficient collagen, and even sudden aging. Therefore, consuming pineapple fruit juice is good for maintaining healthy looks and

Lowers the Chances of Hypertension

Pineapple fruit juice helps prevent high blood pressure which is known as hypertension owing to sufficient occurrence of potassium and even small sodium quantity. The percentage of potassium and sodium offers an excellent approach to deal with hypertension.

One pineapple fruit juice provides roughly one milligramme of sodium as well as 195 milligrammes of potassium. Hence, those plagued by high blood pressure really should drink pineapple juice often.

Energy Boosting Fruit

The existence of vitamin B6 in pineapple helps to stabilise the blood sugar in the body and also thiamine, part of the B series of vitamins is also present in pineapple juice. Thiamine, in turn, assists in transforming carbs into energy which additionally promotes the body’s natural immunity.

Maintains Healthy Teeth and Gum

Pineapple fruit juice provides a good quantity of vitamin C which happens to be valuable for healthy teeth. Consumption of pineapple toughens the gums and consequently maintains strong and healthy teeth. Pineapple also keeps away oral plaque buildup by limiting bacterial activities in the mouth; it also reduces the chances of occasional gingivitis and mouth diseases.

Beneficial to Heart Overall Health

Pineapple fruit juice strengthens blood flow which is beneficial to cardiovascular health and then helps easy blood circulation in the circulatory process. The occurrence bromelain in pineapple helps make the blood thinner which lowers the dangers of having a heart attack or stroke as well as other heart-related diseases.

The occurrence of vitamin C also cuts down the chances of cardiovascular disorders by fighting harmful toxins and also inhibits atherosclerosis. It serves as anti-coagulant.


Bromelain, a natural anti-oxidant found in pineapple fruit juice can be utilised in combination with turmeric; it will be more reliable in treating inflammation. This mixture could be more effective compared to steroids and NSAIDs.

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